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  • cassiopee/nghyd
1 result
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Commits on Source (30)
with 193 additions and 55 deletions
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# dependencies
......@@ -79,19 +79,34 @@ test:
- npm run e2e
stage: build
- pushes
- tags
- schedules
- web
expire_in: 10 min
- dist/
- npm run build
# -baseref option is used by npm to set the npm_config_basehref environment variable
# used in package.json
- npm run build-href -basehref=$BASEHREF
extends: .build
- tags
- pushes
- schedules
- web
extends: .build
- tags
- devel
stage: clean-stale-branches
......@@ -109,7 +124,7 @@ deploy-dev:
- tags
- web
- build
- build-dev
# Copie de la branche / du tag
......@@ -120,7 +135,7 @@ deploy-ovh-dev:
- devel
- build
- build-prod
# Copie de la branche / du tag
- ./scripts/ prod-devel $PROD_LOGIN $PROD_HOST $PROD_DEV_PATH
......@@ -131,7 +146,7 @@ deploy-prod:
- $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "stable"
- build
- build-prod
- ./scripts/ prod $PROD_LOGIN $PROD_HOST $PROD_PATH
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Requirements for developping Cassiopee can be achieved by manually install the r
* npm
* python3
* pandoc ^2 (optional, for PDF documentation only)
* texlive (optional, for PDF documentation only)
* texlive, texlive-bibtex-extra, texlive-latex-extra, latexmk (optional, for PDF documentation only)
Building the HTML documentation requires MkDocs and some extensions:
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
import { browser, by } from "protractor";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
* Uses an example configuration to calculate :
......@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate with linked parameters", () => {
const Y = calcPage.getInputById("Y");
await calcPage.setParamMode(Y, "link");
const sel = await calcPage.getLinkedValueSelect(Y);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await computeAndCheckPresenceOfResults();
......@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate with linked parameters", () => {
const Y = calcPage.getInputById("Y");
await calcPage.setParamMode(Y, "link");
const sel = await calcPage.getLinkedValueSelect(Y);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
// vary W
const W = calcPage.getInputById("W");
await calcPage.setParamMode(W, "var");
......@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate with linked parameters", () => {
const Y2 = calcPage.getInputById("Y");
await calcPage.setParamMode(Y2, "link");
const sel = await calcPage.getLinkedValueSelect(Y2);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await computeAndCheckPresenceOfResults();
......@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate with linked parameters", () => {
const Y2 = calcPage.getInputById("Y");
await calcPage.setParamMode(Y2, "link");
const sel = await calcPage.getLinkedValueSelect(Y2);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await computeAndCheckPresenceOfResults();
......@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate with linked parameters", () => {
const Y2 = calcPage.getInputById("Y");
await calcPage.setParamMode(Y2, "link");
const sel = await calcPage.getLinkedValueSelect(Y2);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
// vary W
const W = calcPage.getInputById("W");
await calcPage.setParamMode(W, "var");
......@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate with linked parameters", () => {
const Y2 = calcPage.getInputById("Y");
await calcPage.setParamMode(Y2, "link");
const sel = await calcPage.getLinkedValueSelect(Y2);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 0);
await computeAndCheckPresenceOfResults();
......@@ -331,13 +331,6 @@ export class CalculatorPage {
return calcButton;
async changeSelectValue(elt: ElementFinder, index: number) {
const optionId = ".cdk-overlay-container mat-option:nth-of-type(" + (index + 1) + ")";
const option = element(by.css(optionId));
// find parent element of elt having class "container"
async findParentContainer(elt: ElementFinder): Promise<ElementFinder> {
let i = 8; // garde fous
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { browser } from "protractor";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
* Cloisons - différents tests qui n'ont pas tant de rapport que ça avec les cloisons :)
......@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − cloisons", () => {
await browser.sleep(300);
// 4. change LoiDebit
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_loidebit"), 1);
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_loidebit"), 1);
await browser.sleep(300);
// 5. check number of inputs in CALC mode
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { browser } from "protractor";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { scrollPageToTop } from "./util.po";
import { changeSelectValue, scrollPageToTop } from "./util.po";
* Clone calculators
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − clone a calculator", () => {
k: 0.6,
Ks: 42
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 3); // mode "parabolique"
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 3); // mode "parabolique"
await calcPage.getInputById("k").clear();
await calcPage.getInputById("k").sendKeys(sourceValues["k"]);
await calcPage.getInputById("Ks").clear();
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − clone a calculator", () => {
const debitSP = calcPage.getInputById("Q");
await calcPage.setParamMode(debitSP, "link");
await browser.sleep(500);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("linked_Q"), 1); // "Courbe de remous"
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("linked_Q"), 1); // "Courbe de remous"
await browser.sleep(500);
// otherwise clickCloneCalcButton() fails with "Element is not clickable at point"
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { ListPage } from "./list.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po"
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
* check that fields are empty on creation
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ describe("ngHyd - Check that examples fields are not empty with 'empty fields on
// modify 1st structure discharge law
const dischargeSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_loidebit");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(dischargeSelect, 1);
await changeSelectValue(dischargeSelect, 1);
await browser.sleep(200);
// open initial dialog
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { browser, by } from "protractor";
import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
* Check that created/cloned structures have empty fields when
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ describe("Lechapt&Calmon - ", () => {
// select last material type
const materialSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_material");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(materialSelect, 8);
await changeSelectValue(materialSelect, 8);
await browser.sleep(200);
// run calculation
......@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ describe("Lechapt&Calmon - ", () => {
const pl1 = await res1.all(by.css("td")).get(1).getText();
// select first material type
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(materialSelect, 0);
await changeSelectValue(materialSelect, 0);
await browser.sleep(200);
// run calculation
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { ListPage } from "./list.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
describe("linked parameter in calculator with section - ", () => {
let listPage: ListPage;
......@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ describe("linked parameter in calculator with section - ", () => {
await calcPage.setParamMode(inputQ, "link");
// change section type
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 3); // mode "parabolique"
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 3); // mode "parabolique"
// check Q is still in linked mode
expect(await calcPage.inputIsInLinkedMode(inputQ)).toBe(true);
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
import { browser, by, element } from "protractor";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { expectNumber } from "./util.po";
import { changeSelectValue, expectNumber } from "./util.po";
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − save and load sessions", () => {
await listPage.clickMenuEntryForCalcType(2); // Section paramétrée
await browser.sleep(500);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 2); // mode "trapezoidal"
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 2); // mode "trapezoidal"
await calcPage.getInputById("Ks").clear(); // coefficient de Strickler
await browser.sleep(1000);
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − save and load sessions", () => {
// select next select option (optionally looping)
const nextInd = (ind + 1) % optionCount;
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, nextInd);
await changeSelectValue(sel, nextInd);
await browser.sleep(200);
// save session
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { AppPage } from "./app.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
* Check that created/cloned structures have empty fields when
......@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ describe("ngHyd - check that created/cloned structures have empty fields - ", ()
// change 1st structure type to rectangular weir
const structSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_structure");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(structSelect, 1);
await changeSelectValue(structSelect, 1);
await browser.sleep(200);
// check 1st structure empty fields
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ describe("ngHyd - check that created/cloned structures have empty fields - ", ()
// change 1st structure type to rectangular weir
const structSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_structure");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(structSelect, 1);
await changeSelectValue(structSelect, 1);
await browser.sleep(200);
// copy structure
......@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ describe("ngHyd - check that created/cloned structures have empty fields - ", ()
// change 2nd structure type to rectangular gate
const selects = await element.all(by.css("mat-select#select_structure"));
const structSelect2 = selects[1];
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(structSelect2, 5);
await changeSelectValue(structSelect2, 5);
await browser.sleep(200);
// check empty fields
......@@ -135,12 +136,12 @@ describe("ngHyd - check that created/cloned structures have empty fields - ", ()
// change 1st structure type to rectangular weir
const structSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_structure");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(structSelect, 1);
await changeSelectValue(structSelect, 1);
await browser.sleep(200);
// change discharge law to Larinier
const dischargeSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_loidebit");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(dischargeSelect, 3);
await changeSelectValue(dischargeSelect, 3);
await browser.sleep(200);
// check empty fields
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { browser, by, element } from "protractor";
import { AppPage } from "./app.po";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { scrollPageToTop } from "./util.po";
import { changeSelectValue, scrollPageToTop } from "./util.po";
* Clone calculators
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − Passe à Bassins", () => {
// change iteration
const pve = calcPage.getSelectById("pab-variating-element");
calcPage.changeSelectValue(pve, 3);
await changeSelectValue(pve, 3);
await browser.sleep(300);
// check absence of logs
expect(await calcPage.nbLogEntries()).toBe(2);
import { browser, by, element, ElementFinder } from "protractor";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
export class PreferencesPage {
navigateTo() {
......@@ -43,10 +44,7 @@ export class PreferencesPage {
async changeLanguage(index: number) {
const select = this.getLanguageSelect();
const optionId = ".cdk-overlay-container mat-option#mat-option-" + index;
const option = element(by.css(optionId));
await changeSelectValue(select, index);
async enableEvilEmptyFields() {
......@@ -65,6 +63,23 @@ export class PreferencesPage {
* enable/disable option "empty fields on module creation"
* @param b true to enable "empty fields on module creation" option, false to disable it (fill fields with default values)
async setEmptyFields(b: boolean) {
await this.navigateTo();
await browser.sleep(200);
if (b) {
await this.enableEvilEmptyFields();
else {
await this.disableEvilEmptyFields();
await browser.sleep(200);
async setIterationCount(n: number) {
const input = this.getInputFromName("nmi");
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { browser } from "protractor";
import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
describe("Check fields are empty in 'pressure loss' calculator when created with 'empty fields' option -", () => {
let listPage: ListPage;
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ describe("Check fields are empty in 'pressure loss' calculator when created with
// select Lechapt-Calmon pressure loss law
const materialSelect = calcPage.getSelectById("select_pressurelosstype");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(materialSelect, 0);
await changeSelectValue(materialSelect, 0);
await browser.sleep(200);
expect(calcPage.checkEmptyOrFilledFields(["Q", "D", "Lg", "Kloc"], [true, true, true, true]));
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { browser } from "protractor";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
import { changeSelectValue } from "./util.po";
* Remous
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ describe("ngHyd − remous", () => {
await browser.sleep(300);
// 2. Set to trapezoidal section with bank slope of 2m/m and 20 meter width bed
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 2);
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_section"), 2);
await browser.sleep(300);
await calcPage.getInputById("LargeurFond").clear();
await browser.sleep(300);
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { browser, by, element } from "protractor";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { scrollPageToTop } from "./util.po";
import { changeSelectValue, scrollPageToTop } from "./util.po";
* Clone calculators
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ describe("Solveur - ", () => {
// change targetted Nub, check that targetted result changes too
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(ntc, 0);
await changeSelectValue(ntc, 0);
const nttV2 = await calcPage.getSelectValueText(ntt);
expect(nttV2).not.toContain("Puissance dissipée (PV)");
......@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ describe("Solveur - ", () => {
// Go back to Solveur
await navbar.clickCalculatorTab(0);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_target_nub"), 1); // "Puissance / PV"
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_target_nub"), 1); // "Puissance / PV"
await browser.sleep(500);
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_searched_param"), 2); // "Chute / Z2"
await changeSelectValue(calcPage.getSelectById("select_searched_param"), 2); // "Chute / Z2"
await browser.sleep(500);
await calcPage.getInputById("Ytarget").sendKeys("318");
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ describe("Solveur - ", () => {
// modify searched parameter
const sel = calcPage.getSelectById("select_searched_param");
await calcPage.changeSelectValue(sel, 11);
await changeSelectValue(sel, 11);
await browser.sleep(300);
const selText = await calcPage.getSelectValueText(sel);
import { ListPage } from "./list.po";
import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po";
import { browser, by } from "protractor";
import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po";
import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po";
import { SideNav } from "./sidenav.po";
describe("Check translation", () => {
let listPage: ListPage;
let navBar: Navbar;
let calcPage: CalculatorPage;
let prefPage: PreferencesPage;
let sideNav: SideNav;
beforeAll(async () => {
listPage = new ListPage();
navBar = new Navbar();
calcPage = new CalculatorPage();
prefPage = new PreferencesPage();
sideNav = new SideNav();
beforeEach(async () => {
it("variables in results", async () => {
// *** results in french ***
prefPage.changeLanguage(1); // fr
await browser.sleep(200);
// open "fish ladder: fall" calculator
await navBar.clickNewCalculatorButton();
await listPage.clickMenuEntryForCalcType(12);
await browser.sleep(200);
// set Z2 to variated mode
const inpZ2 = calcPage.getInputById("Z2");
await calcPage.setParamMode(inpZ2, "var");
// run calculation
await calcPage.getCalculateButton().click();
await browser.sleep(500);
// "variable for X axis" select label
const selXaxis = calcPage.getSelectById("selectX");
expect(await calcPage.getMatselectCurrentOptionText(selXaxis)).toEqual("Cote aval");
// "variable for Y axis" select label
const selYaxis = calcPage.getSelectById("selectY");
expect(await calcPage.getMatselectCurrentOptionText(selYaxis)).toEqual("DH : Chute (m)");
// fixed results variables
const frr = calcPage.getAllFixedResultsRows();
let lbl1 = await frr.all(by.css("td")).get(0).getText();
expect(lbl1).toEqual("Cote amont (m)");
// variated results headers
const vrh = calcPage.getAllVariatedResultsTableHeaders();
let lbl2 = await vrh.get(0).getText();
expect(lbl2).toEqual("Cote aval");
let lbl3 = await vrh.get(1).getText();
expect(lbl3).toEqual("Chute (m)");
// *** results in english ***
// setup -> english
await navBar.clickMenuButton();
await browser.sleep(200);
const setupBtn = await sideNav.getSetupButton();
await browser.sleep(200);
await prefPage.changeLanguage(0); // en
await browser.sleep(200);
// back to calculator
await navBar.clickCalculatorTab(0);
await browser.sleep(200);
// "variable for X axis" select label
expect(await calcPage.getMatselectCurrentOptionText(selXaxis)).toEqual("Downstream elevation");
// "variable for Y axis" select label
expect(await calcPage.getMatselectCurrentOptionText(selYaxis)).toEqual("DH : Fall (m)");
// fixed results variables
lbl1 = await frr.all(by.css("td")).get(0).getText();
expect(lbl1).toEqual("Upstream elevation (m)");
// variated results headers
lbl2 = await vrh.get(0).getText();
expect(lbl2).toEqual("Downstream elevation");
lbl3 = await vrh.get(1).getText();
expect(lbl3).toEqual("Fall (m)");
import { ElementFinder, browser } from "protractor";
import { ElementFinder, browser, by, element } from "protractor";
* scroll page to make element visible
......@@ -27,3 +27,11 @@ export function expectNumber(msg: string, val: number, expected: number) {
export async function changeSelectValue(elt: ElementFinder, index: number) {
const optionId = ".cdk-overlay-container mat-option:nth-of-type(" + (index + 1) + ")";
const option = element(by.css(optionId));
await browser.sleep(200);
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
"preprocess": "mkdir -p build; node scripts/preprocessors.js; npm run service-worker-version; bash scripts/",
"start": "npm run preprocess && npm run mkdocs && npm run ng serve -- --host --poll 5000",
"build-no-pdf": "npm run preprocess && npm run mkdocs && npm run ng build -- --configuration production",
"build": "npm run preprocess && npm run mkdocs && npm run ng build -- --configuration production && npm run mkdocs2pdf",
"build": "npm run build-href -basehref=/",
"build-href": "npm run preprocess && npm run mkdocs && npm run ng build -- --configuration production --base-href=$npm_config_basehref && npm run mkdocs2pdf",
"update-dist-index-mimetypes": "node scripts/update-dist-index-mimetypes.js",
"electron": "npm run update-dist-index-mimetypes && \"node_modules/.bin/electron\" .",
"release-linux-nocompile": "npm run update-dist-index-mimetypes && \"node_modules/.bin/electron-builder\"",