INRA Tropolink project : A web-tool to infer graphs of tropospheric connectivity from archived meteorological data.
First clone
Add the ForgeMIA upstream:
git remote add forgemia
And don't forget to also push your code on it:
git push forgemia
Update the tropolink_env Conda environment (if dependencies have changed):
sudo /opt/tljh/user/bin/conda env update -n tropolink_env --file tropolink_env.yml
Activate the conda environnement :
conda activate tropolink_env
Trust the notebook, so that it can be run automatically:
jupyter trust Connectivities\ Analysis.ipynb
Launch Jupyter :
jupyter notebook
Run all cells :
In the notebook menu, select Kernel > Restart and Run All.
Close the conda environnement :
conda deactivate
Developper's documentation
Tropolink Design documentation
API configuration
The urls used to get connectivities can be configured in the file nbconnectivity/
Admin documentation
To install TLJH or upgrade an existing installation, run:
# curl -L | python3 - --admin makina
To add new admin users from the CLI:
# useradd -m -u 21XXX -s /bin/bash -G jupyterhub-admins,jupyterhub-users jupyter-$USER
# passwd jupyter-$USER
# tljh-config add-item users.admin makina
# tljh-config reload
Se connecter au serveur du projet :
ssh -J rde@ssh-proxy
cd notebook
: dépôt git synchronisé sur forgemia et notre gitlab -
git status
pour vérifier qu'il n'y a pas de modif en local puisgit pull
pour mettre à jour le contenu -
Si besoin de mettre à jour le noyau, regénérer le noyau conda:
# sudo /opt/tljh/user/bin/conda env update -n tropolink_env --file tropolink_env.yml
- Si besoin d'activer des extensions Jupyter requises :
# /opt/tljh/user/bin/pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
# /opt/tljh/user/bin/jupyter contrib nbextension install --sys-prefix
# /opt/tljh/user/bin/jupyter nbextension enable init_cell/main --sys-prefix
# /opt/tljh/user/bin/jupyter nbextension enable hide_input/main --sys-prefix